One of the problems we creatives face is that decluttering is discombobulating. Where do we start? More importantly, when can we stop? We get bored easily.
That’s a good reason to turn this job into a game.
This month, let’s have a scavenger hunt to purge our homes of things beginning with the letter *J.* Even kids can help.
Here’s the plan:
Race around your house gathering *J* stuff to purge.
Set your timers, please. Although the game isn’t over until the end of the month, please don’t spend more than 11 minutes per day on it, if that. This game is decluttering for people who don’t have time (and/or inclination) to declutter.
Count the number of items you dump. Take photos. Even weigh your discards if that gives you a thrill.
Share success in the comments. (Check my stack in the photo above: jewelry, jars, and a book by a Jones.)
Challenge your buddies to join us. If enough comments warrant, I’ll do a random drawing for a prize (details to come). Happy junque hunting, Habithackers.
- Jeans
- Jars
- Jewelry
- Juicers
- Jammies
- Journals
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Jackets
- Jack-O-Lanterns
- Jumpers
- Jugs
- Jump ropes
- Jiggers
- Other stuff I’ve not thought of…please specify other *J* finds in comments.
Bonus categories:
- Books with titles that include the letter “J” anywhere
- Books with author first or last names starting with “J”
- Items whose brand name starts with “J”
- Fabric or clothing or sheets or anything made of jersey
- Things jingly or jangly (Bells? Jars of change to cash in?)
- Stuff that makes you feel jinxed or jittery (don’t keep what makes you feel lousy)
- Anything incorporating jute
- Job-related items no longer relevant
- Things exceptionally jaunty/jocose/jovial (as long as they no longer bring joy…thoughts about KonMari to come)
- Anything in the color jade
- Stuff that’s just plain JUNK, to be sent to trash (other than your regular garbage)
P.S. This is an experiment. I’ve had a heckuva time getting motivated to declutter lately. If we enjoy it, we could have fun finding Fs in February.
You are back! How I have missed you! 2017 is the year to be free of schtuff!