The Nest program is for you if:
- Your house is a disaster area!
- Your house becomes a disaster area by the end of each week.
- You can’t find your keys/phone/favorite socks.
- You want to become more organized to spend more time doing stuff you like.
- You want daily guidance but you can’t pay for it right now.
- You have a sense of humor and you don’t mind if I’m irreverent…and even a little profane. After all, cleaning a toilet is not for the delicate of heart.
- You are creative, open-minded, and you like fun more than drudgery.
- You’ve tried and failed at the systems of others, such as Flylady.
- You don’t like getting testimonials or advertising emails.
- You’re not necessarily a traditionalist–and though you have a nesty side, there’s more to you than being a mom/dad or a housewife/house-husband or a worker/employer/employee.
- Wanna sample daily posts from each category? This link will take you to some way-back archives. Dip in.
- If Desi won’t do the dishes or Lucy keeps losing the loot, I’ll shut up, and you can sign up for the Nest here.
oh, poor you…
- If chaos isn’t holding you back from creativity, join the Create (inspirational Habithacking) 90 day email list right now. (Sorry! Not available today. Stay in touch by visiting the site, or following on Facebook or Twitter.)
- If you’re not putting butt in chair to finish novel because butt no longer fits in chair, why not join the SOS (Sweat or Starve, healthy living) 90 day email list today? (Sorry! Not available today. Stay in touch by visiting the site, or following on Facebook or Twitter.)
Could you please put me on the nest program and mailing lidt