By now a bunch of resubscribers are suffering through weeds in the old program: chiefly broken links, missing photos, and a habithacker email address that I can’t get working. I’m getting out there with my hoe and digging out those weeds. Thank you for your patience.
But how about the seeds I’m planting? Below are a few ideas. I look forward to your comments on what’s edible, what’s flavorful, and what’s too bitter to chew. Scroll on down and talk to me!
- Research has shown that the feeble human frontal cortex can’t manage much change at once. Therefore, in the next version, I’ll send only one or two steps per week with supporting links and optional additions.
- The program will no longer last a full three months, since I’ve heard that the beginning is most crucial.
- I will devise a “graduate” program to contain heavy duty cleaning plans, reorganizing ideas, zone cleaning.
- Some steps will remain the same, some modified, some new. That’s because, as you know, oh-loyal-hh-followers, I like to keep up on the latest from the world of organizational and scientific literature.
- For those of you who found the previous programs perfect for your lifestyle, all three feeds (Nest, SOS, Create) will eventually be available as pdfs. I may charge a bit for these as my NOBHBRRH (not-only-borderline-hoarder-but-recently-retired-husband) doesn’t see my website fitting the family budget. Please do not reveal that I have, in fact, spent thousands to keep the site and email lists alive over all these years.
- I might incorporate some of the most important steps from Create and SOS (health) into the free Nest (household) habithacker program, and then do separate premium extended programs for those tracks.
- The basic Habithacker Nest program (which is the most popular) will always be free, but I figured maybe some of you would be willing to pay extra to get, say, workbooks or videos or webinars or podcasts or phone encouragement or heck, even a date for me to clean your house in an exceptionally half-assed way (that’s a joke. I ain’t gonna 4P your bathroom).
I will continue to add to this list or nix items from this list as they occur to me. And to you. I would love to hear your comments. Thanks, Jean.
So great to see you back. So sorry to hear about all your technical & familial challenges.
Monetizing your program is a fine idea. You have put so much work & heart into habithacker (your frustration fueled deletion meltdown is proof of your emotional investment), you deserve compensation. And your fans & followers deserve to be able to support your art. And what you are doing is art, I promise you.
Thank you for being back.
Good Luck,
Kindra Kay
Kindra Kay (who has the coolest name I’ve ever encountered), thank you so much for your encouragement. It means the world to me. I like the term ‘deletion meltdown’ and only wish I could apply it to the clutter that’s accumulating around here. You are very welcome. Jean
Kindra Kay said it well! The basic free programme plus paid extensions sounds perfect, I’m on board with that.
Merci, Rebecca. One of these months I will find the time to work on this revamp.
I check back here every month or so to see if you’re back up, and I’m bummed you’re not. I did my first round of The Nest 3 years ago. I have since moved, am working 3/4 time, and have an 5th and 3rd grader (instead of a 2nd and kindergartner) and feel mostly always in chaos. So I really hope you come back!
Oh Ellen, my Ellen. Would it bum you out even more if I told you that I expect to be back by the time your darlings graduate from college? Just KIDDING. I’ve made a resolution to get back this year. I am sorry you’re in chaos. You do know, though, that you can still subscribe, right?