Today, find a small space to clear and clean. Do it immediately after something else you regularly do, such as brush your teeth, have breakfast, trim chin and nose hairs (hey…we’re all getting older, right?).
Famous organizing guru Flylady demands you shine your kitchen sink. Other pros suggest you declutter your nightstand or your dining table.
At Habithacker you set your own priorities.
Just make sure your place is small and manageable enough to be kept clear every day.
I do my kitchen island. Seeing an expanse of sparkling granite gives me a boost.
This exercise can be viral…that is, the cleanliness from this place begins to spread.
From now on, every day, “polish your place.” If it gets messy again, don’t blame yourself or your &*(!@^% partner or roommate. Don’t make a big stinking deal. Just clear it again.
You need only clear this ONE place (all others are optional).
What place did you choose? Let me know in the comments below.
Photos: The below photo is the “before” version of my island. Check out the polished version, above. Full disclosure: the end of the island still has stuff on it, but it’s my husband’s, and moving OPS (other people’s shit) is pretty much off limits. I’ll address exceptions (which I call black OPS) later.
Step one. Get one thing done.
Habithacker Month 1
What to do so far:
Polish your place.
Yes! So happy to have found the beginnings of a regenerated and gorgeous habithacker site. Keep going Jean and all fellow habithackers.
Hi Beth. I appreciate the encouragement. I’m hoping lots of fellow habithackers will join us….especially after I fix this all up and get the subscription service back up to snuff. Thanks, Jean.
I’m so happy that you are restarting. I must admit that when times were rough and I need something to help get back into the swing of things while you were away I used internet archives wayback machine to see the site before it went down.
I suppose part of my problem is I can’t decided what my spot should be. The kitchen sink, the kitchen island that i have dubbed Avalon since it’s always shrouded in a mist of stuff, or our kitchen table.
Jessica, I love your Avalon shrouded in a mist of stuff! When things get rough for me, I, too, go back to basics. The way I remember to habithack even when I don’t have the archives handy is by recalling the rhymes (i.e. Day One: one thing done; Day Two: do yr do; Day Three: key, etc.).
As far as deciding on your spot, you truly have the habithacking personality. We are indecisive creatures, you and moi and everyone else on this site. I suggest you either choose the EASIEST spot…just to make sure you get going, or choose the spot that, when clear, will give you the most personal pleasure. Also note that you don’t have to do the whole kitchen island or table. Just choose a little corner.
Get started, my friend, and please check back in and tell me how you’re doing (and where you’re polishing). Jean.
Hi, I’m new to this habit hacking thing. I tried fly lady and found it too complicated and time consuming so I started looking for something else, something similar but less ridgid and less time consuming (I have two young children 4,0) and found your site while it was down. Glad that you have started up again and I can follow from the beginning.
I have picked the coffee table as my spot as it seems to start gathering toys and mugs and other family related mess from the minute it is clean.
Having young children, Lyndsey, requires heroic measures.
A couple of thoughts for you:
The current subscription is still for the old version of habithacker. I think you will like the new better…I am uncomplicating even more and you will NOT get emails every single day, which I think is too much. So as soon as you hear that the new version exists, please unsubscribe and start over.
Secondly, you may want to choose an alternate, perhaps easier place to polish. Your coffee table sounds like the spot we will address on DAy 6. What other place do you have that will give you happiness?
Welcome back, Jean! You were truly missed. Wishing you and your family well, Another Jean
Anyone who shares my name (and is a diva jean no less) is a friend indeed. Thanks for your well wishes. I am sitting beside my mom at this very moment. Nice to hear from you, signed, the *other* jean.
I love love love the photos.
Music to my ears, dear Rosie. I’m a long-time (yes, old 35mm film with a darkroom set up in my bathroom) photo enthusiast, and have always thought it would be fun to use my own photos.
Jean, congratulations to restarting your site and thanks for answering our questions and posts. With parents 1000km away, friends and family visiting all the time (lovely, but messing up my personal rythm of life) and all the other stuff, I totally understand that you deleted the site and had other priorities. But very very glad that you’re back. So over my head and wanting to get back on track that I revisited your site today to see if you were back already. YES! I’m delited. Beautiful site, nice graphics, recognize Lindsey’s problem in what place to choose. Will make it the kitchen table so there’s always a nice place to sit down with a cup of coffee or tea.
Best regards,
Esther (from France)
Can I come over for a cup of tea, Esther? Need one about now. Also need a trip to France. Wow, your life sounds as tumultuous as mine. Hang in there. Go ahead and subscribe to the old program. I will let everyone know when the new one goes live.
I am so glad you are re-starting your site I tried to enroll but don=t think it went thru,,, FyI since I found you have never lost my keys again….
Love hearing about your keys, Charlene. I never lose mine, either, but have a bad habit of losing my phone. Problem? It’s tough to find a permanent place for it because it needs to be charged and travels around with you. Alas. Hmmmm….try to subscribe again. You should get a confirmation right away. Check your spam folder. If you still have problems, let me know.
Oh my goodness! What are the odds that I would find out about your website from a comment I read on another website, right when you are starting up again? Is it fate? I am a new work-at-home-mom, with a 1 year old and I feel very overwhelmed. Because I am home all of the time now, my Martha Stewart-esque, white gloved mother-in-law likes to stop by often. I desperately need to keep my house visitor friendly and it seems harder now that I am not working away from home, for some reason. I tried FlyLady, but I really felt like I didn’t have the time. After reading the great review I found, about your system, I am really looking forward to learning your process!
Christina, as someone who worked at home for many years, the first thing I suggest is training friends, neighbors, yes even not to stop by…unless they agree to bring along a toilet brush to clean your family’s unmentionable stains. You WORK at home. You aren’t available for entertaining. For a while I kept a sign on my front door that essentially said…I love ya, man, but unless you have a biz appointment I won’t come to door AND I wear earplugs.
Your house will be harder to keep clean because you’ll always be in it, spreading your detritus for an extra eight hours. Half-assed cleaning hour once a week plus quick declutters, nightly dishes, and roving room-to-room pickups will help. But you have a one year old! Cut yourself slack.
You will be subscribing to the old habithacking program which, despite its popularity, I now believe required too many steps too soon. Do what you can at your own pace. I don’t know how long it will take to rewrite with new steps and updated research.
Yup I am happy to see you are working your way back. I found this awhile ago and have been checking regularly to see if it is up and running.
Today I made my bed. All of it. Pillows placed and such.
I figure I would start there.
Great to hear from you, Carrie. You’ll be happy to know that recent research suggests that making your bed can serve as a “cornerstone” habit…meaning that many other things in your life will soon improve. Great choice.
I chose coffee table because my sitting room is one room seen by other people, not just me or my son (temporarily back at home since after Christmas….. what a rotten time to get dumped…..), and I tend to put things on it in the evening when sitting in front of the telly, and then never quite get around to putting them away…… I am in Cornwall, in UK, and have also tried FlyLady….. and DO now mostly keep my sink shined….. but agree that she has too many things to remember to do all at once, and I never got the putting on shoes thing. I saw your site before, and liked all the time you gave to creative things 🙂
Coffee table is perfect, Carolyn, but what I want to know is why it’s called a coffee table when in my house it’s more of a cocktail table. I also frequently don’t put things away. For some reason it seems like so much more work than taking out. Jean
Just started habit hacker today. My space I have chosen to keep clean is a short counter in the kitchen, right next to the back door. My clean time is before my morning cup of coffee (I never miss that event). Looking forward to the future. btw, I also cleaned the 2 misc. drawers below the counter.
Wow! Good for you Maggie. I, too, never miss that morning coffee, but your method of polishing your place before the cup is very smart. Jean
I was so happy to get this first email from you – I could have cried! I have really been missing you (of course I forgot about you first – nothing personal, just the way I roll – but when I remembered, I MISSED you!). So glad you’re back – keep it up! I think it’s safe to say that people appreciate you more than you could ever realize. Anyhow, I’m off to polish the desk in my bedroom…I think it’s still under that pile of “miscellaneous-I’ll-get-to-it-later” stuff. What an adventure!
Oh Cynthia, I think I missed you too, even though I don’t even know you. I think people who are attracted to Habithacker (as opposed to other sites) are probably quite compatible and would have a wacky good time if we could gather for a big party. Onward to your adventure. This week I’ve been trying to get through a bunch of paper crap on my desk, so I feel for you babe. Jean
Omg! Welcome back! I have checked periodically waiting for you to start back up as I have had it with trying to “fly”. I fly then I crash and burn lol. I’ve decided to polish the first thing I see when I wake: the top of my dresser. It has everything from doggie treats to who knows what!
I love the idea of polishing what you see first. An instant lift when you awake. I hope doggie treats bedside means you get to sleep with a furry friend.
Hi Jean, I spent yesterday collating all 90 Nest posts into one gigantic document so that I could work through them day by day, how’s that for “productive procrastination”? And of course I didn’t get Day 1 done at all, so I was very pleased to see that there was email from you today and I get to play along after all!
I’ve tried HabitHacker a few times (and quit after a few days too), and FlyLady before that, and heaven knows what else. I always find things to derail me, and then I don’t manage to start again or pick up where I left off. Now I finally live on my own, and I’m really sick of my chaotic ways and lack of discipline, so I’m going to keep starting until I get it. I want to stop wasting all my creative energy on things that should be easy habits: right now, I only have enough motivation to keep the bare bones of my business going (I’m a freelance translator), so I look forward to being able to expand and grow. I’m going to start with my kitchen sink.
I’m so glad that this site is still here, and that people are still using your system, so I look forward to how things develop from here, and send you my best wishes!
Hey Rebecca. Don’t be hard on yourself. I think boring life stuff is truly tough for those of us who are creative. And as a former freelancer myself, I believe you probably use up a lot of your self-discipline on work motivation. Hang in there. I’m rooting for you.
coffee table
I’m just starting but my family wants to start too…(at least at the time of writing but who knows if the kids will still agree by noon). We all picked our place to start though I’m only going to be concerned with my own and I picked my kitchen counter. Being a FLF (FlyLady Flunky -my fault, not hers…too many emails to keep up with), I’m looking forward to a less complex program that can fit into our super busy life and just give us a firm push in the right direction! Thanks for keeping Habithackers up while you revamp and good luck!
Thank you Lianne. Hope you’re lucky enough to get your family on board, but don’t fret about them…do it for yourself. (Oh, keep in mind that I’m a bit naughty with my language and references,,,,plenty of the sh– word, though no f word. You can substitute for the sake of your kids.) personally, I love doing the kitchen counter. Let me know how things go. Jean.
Like you, my place is my kitchen island. I have an open floor plan and it’s a focal point of my home. When it sparkles it is a beautiful sight, but most of the time it’s covered in other people’s crap, dirty dishes, and crumbs/water spots, etc.
I am loving Lianne’s idea about having each person pick their own place. One of the reasons I’m doing this is because my kids and I have decided to be more intentional Monday through Friday with our chores, so we have more play time on the weekend. We are tired of spending our whole Saturday doing chores and missing out on the fun. It will be very tough because we leave the house at 7:45 am and usually aren’t home until 8:30 pm, and then it’s dinner, hw, baths, bed…. so that’s why we must be VERY intentional with our mornings, and the couple evenings we get home early.
Jennifer, you’re smart as well as beautiful. It’s hard, actually, to keep our roomy islands clear because they offer such a tempting resting spot for stuff. But we are strong…n’est pas? Yes, I also think Lianne is on to something. And please please, even if you don’t get all your chores done during the week, don’t waste your precious Saturday’s on them. Dirt, clutter, stuff is always there but days are so darn fleeting. You sound extremely busy. Hope your new, more intentional plan lets you enjoy your limited recreation time. Jean
I’m starting with the dining table, it’s the first thing everyone sees when they come in. Also, I make sure I make my bed in the morning so there’s a flat surface to use if i’m sorting washing or owt else.
Hey Viv. Like you, the first thing people see when they arrive (IF, that is, I let them in), is my dining table. Sadly, my husband has appropriated it for some massive computer building project. My solution? Putting up a screen so guests and I don’t have to be assaulted by the sight. Your plan is ever so much better. May I send you my husband? Jean
I found your site through……I can’t remember where now! Instagram, I believe. I read the four (?) posts up on the site and am now subscribed to the email list.
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Much love to you and your family.
Looking forward to trying this habithacker system out. Inspired by the comments here, I have chosen to make my bed while my morning coffee is steeping in the french press. That means I have eight minutes to get it done. I can totally do that.
Hi Lacy. I love your brilliant idea of getting the tough work of the day done while the coffee steeps. And then….the wonderful cup of java as reward. Your my kinda gal. Good luck, Jean
I’m so excited to start your program! I was worried I wouldn’t get your emails but I woke up this morning and couldn’t wait to read it! I’m starting on my huge pile of papers that I need to deal with…that’s on my kitchen counter!
Well, Silvia, you should have been more afraid of actually GETTING the emails because now you’re destined to do the work—ha! I am so happy you’re excited. You will be thrilled at the difference it makes to see a clean counter. Stay in touch, Jean.
my bed in children room 😉
What could be better than polish your piano?! The top of my piano gathers lots of clutter, mostly because little hands can’t easily reach things there. It’s also depressingly dusty most of the time…. So this will be easier than kitchen sinks and coffee tables, but inspiring nonetheless.
Any progress on the new site? I’m another FlyLady dropout looking for another option. Just starting at Day 1 a month after I signed up for the habithacker e-mails……
Hi Heidi. These days I wish I still had a piano to pile stuff on….would be easier on my bac than the floor stacking I’ve been doing. Hope you are enjoying having yours cleared.
On hh changes: I hate to admit it, but I was ridiculously over-optimistic about redoing the site. Don’t know when I’ll get to it, alas.
Hi! I just cleaned off a long table in my home office. It was really a hot spot of clutter. There was a shoe box from shoes I bought 4 months ago along with stacks of papers and about 10 other things that just needed putting away! But now the table is nice and clean and you can actually see the table. I’m so glad I found this site! I had been trying to fly, but the emails were overwhelming me. Thank you for this!!
Darla, there are few things that bring more energy than the lovely sight of a cleared table. Good for you.
El baño
Good Afternoon !
I intend to clear my dining room table of rubbish and use it to eat my meals!
Now that’s really exciting !!
How is the table looking, Gail?
Thank you for this site. I just started today. I live in Japan and am currently completely overwhelmed by the state of my very tiny but ultra messy apartment. I choose “my spot” to be the tops of two bookcases that I have re-purposed as my cooking board area. It always has cups and bowls and empty cans and various other things living on top. Today they get evicted. Looking forward to seeing how your wonderful site progresses! Thank you!
Greetings, Arisu, and welcome. I think Japan is an especially difficult place for habithacker….yes, such very tiny living environments and the pressure to konmari!!!! I am so happy you’ve taken this step. Please check in soon and let me know how it’s going. Jean.
I choose my tiny hall closet. Mice had taken over and I had to put some
traps in there, and to do that, I had to clear a lot of space in this tiny closet.
I got a flashlight and inspected the closet and found a hole. I’m going to put
steel wool in the hole and then make the space clean and put my stuff in
the closet, so that when I open the door, there is order!
Paula, I, too, have shared my spaces with mice…as we live in front of a huge field. Good luck on keeping your closet clear. Do be sure to gaze into it frequently to congratulate yourself.
I just finished cleaning off my main kitchen counter! It’s one of the ones that I let get the messiest because I use it for most of my food prep and other miscellany. I’m ready to go!
Amanda darling, I salute you. My counter last week had become gunked up with bird legume/grain batch cooking parrotphernalia and I was so thrilled to finally clear it. You’re ready to go? I’m ready for you to get going! Good luck. Keep me apprised.
Kitchen island (including flylady’s $&@%*#$ sink 🙂
You are $&%^%#-in brave, tenacious Tara!
I have chosen an easy place to keep clear and clean. It is my stove top. It is dangerous to have any items sitting on it anyway and with my beautiful glass flat top it is easy to spray & wash.
The counters next to it get the proverbial clean splash. The oven front too gets wiped and towels replaced. That causes me to empty the tiny towel catcher to the laundry room. Yes, the sink gets empty and dishes clean. I’ve even caught myself drying the thing!
But when life hits and people are done traipsing through I only have to clean that one surface. It helps to have one in each room.
Excellent area to clean, Bunny girl.
I chose the top of my dresser! I have a really beautiful old dresser that belonged to my great-grandmother. It has a mirror mounted on the back so I use it as my vanity too. It accumulates clutter, but when it is tidy it is just so lovely what with my perfume bottle and my jewelry box that it makes me happy to look at.
Just hearing about your dresser thrills me, Rosemary. What a perfect spot to choose.
I chose my kitchen peninsula. It collected a lot of miscellaneous “stuff” when we moved in a year ago that just never found a “home.” As a result, more stuff gravitated to that spot. Well, as it turns out, “home” for about a third of it was the trash. Most of the rest was my husband’s (small car parts, receipts, etc.) He did remove the bulk of his stuff. I just don’t know where he put it. Could be in his underwear drawer! LOL!
Yes, Sherri, stuff is the magnet for stuff. And at least your husband moved it somewhere. Hope you don’t step on some “small car parts” in the shower, or find receipts in the cereal boxes.
The top of my desk. It accumulates receipts and papers during the day. Having it cleaned off for my morning quiet time keeps me from being distracted.
Ah, the old stacked papers on the desk problem. Good one, Charity.
phone desk
You screen name, “a little flower” reminds me of something I used to do to reward myself for clearing off a horrible area. I’d make an ikebana flower arrangement or place an amaryllis or orchid there to remind myself not to reclutter. Good one.
In thinking on this, I realized I already had a “space” in each room of the house…my desk (in the master bedroom), the couch (in the living room), and the hoosier cabinet (in the kitchen).
You’re ahead of the game. Fabulous!
The table next to my recliner. A repository for loose knitting supplies, coffee cups, pens and other detritus.
Lovely plan, oh fellow knitter.
The little table by my chair – I only need to put things in the drawer rather than leaving them on top and it would be tidy…
You are a wise woman to choose something easy.
I have a kitchen island in wheels that doesn’t fit in the kitchen of this house so I have it in my entryway. It gets easily cluttered with stuff I bring in. I’m going to clean it off every evening after dinner and, if I need to go somewhere the next day, put the things I need to take with me there. I can’t stand the Flylady system. I’m an artist and need time to do art, not make housekeeping my hobby. I’ve been doing Motivated Moms but that’s more for keeping an already cluttered house clean.
I once lived in a house that had a half wall by its entrance. Drove me crazy because it was too easy to deposit stuff there. I hear you about the art. For me, creative ventures are what give life color and meaning.
Delighted I have found your site. Another overwhelmed ex FL follower here. Have been needing motivation to get myself going again and feel on top of things so I can enjoy life without the guilt. Thank you for all the hard work you have put into this system. I’m really looking forward to it.
I am going to be folding and putting away yesterday’s laundry as soon as today’s load is on. Otherwise I usually end up chucking it on the sofa in the conservatory and by the weekend it’s a mountain. It means I can’t really enjoy sitting in the conservatory enjoying the sun because of the mess. Right now I am having my first cuppa of the day on said sofa, enjoying the sunny morning and peace before my family wake up, and feeling bloody brilliant. Thank you
Just realised you must be in the US looking at the time my message was posted. It’s early morning here in the far, far north of Scotland. And yes, sunny! Wonder where all of your followers are from?
Hi Marsey. Since I am a night owl, I was up at midnight here when you posted. My followers are from all over. I’ve have many habithackers in Europe, Australia, the States, and Canada, but also some from Africa, Asia, the Middle East…. A woman in Brazil translates the program and reposts it. You’re not alone in this, and neither am I! That’s a comfort.
Marsey you bloody brilliant wonder, I am also delighted you are here. Folding and putting away laundry is probably the hardest thing for me. If you get this under control I insist you be my tutor. Please keep in mind that if this (as a first step) ever seems too difficult, change to something a bit easier. Sun in Scotland sounds like the title of the best novel ever. Good luck and keep in touch.
I did my island too. Because it makes me happy in the morning.
Yup, the isle of happiness is a good thing!
#1 Kitchen Island in new flat where I am boarding + learnt how to use the dishwasher so I could stack dirty dishes before I got shining.
My kitchen sink, and the counter next to it. As a FlyLady Dropout, the sink shining habit is one of the few that stuck, so I will build on it.
That’s wonderful, Annie. Building on an existing habit is actually scientifically proven to work best, so you, my darling, are way ahead of the rest of us!
I think I’ll pick the filing cabinet – it’s where the phone and basket for keys lives, but there are stacks and bundles and piles of who knows what.
Maybe if I can have a clean sight when I enter & leave, that’ll set the scene!
That’s really really smart, Spanky.i recently did a thorough clean and declutter of my bathroom. It’s the first thing I see in the morning as I stagger bleary-eyed from my bed (well, okay, I see my still- messy bedroom, but don’t come out of my coma until I reach the sink), and it makes a difference to feel that moment of control and cleanliness first thing. You’re on to something. Let me know how it works.
I have unsubscribed – it’s annoying to still receive random emails. Please unsubscribe me. Thanks
Hmmmm…I’m not quite sure what Gill is talking about regarding random emails. The only emails I send are one daily Nest activity. Perhaps she set her preferences to read comments posted here?
I think I’ll choose our living room sofa. It’s just my 2-year-old and I living in this home, but we have a biiiig 3-seater, so we have an AWFUL habit of only clearing maybe 1/3 of the thing, just enough to sit on. The rest is a mess of toys, books, random bits of discarded clothing, etc. The sofa is also one of the first things I see when I walk out of the bedroom. Seeing it neat and inviting, pillows fluffed up etc, would bring me joy every morning.
I know what you mean, Anne. My home office sofa is too often like that….filled with paperwork, cockatoo toys, books, and yes, even socks and sweaters. It seems we are twins in this. I just cleaned mine this week. Feels great. That’s a good choice.
Hi Jean! I subscribed a long time ago, but because my nest could use some consistent routines, I re-subscribed for the new year. I’m so glad I did! My get one thing done and “polish your place” location will always be my desk. I work at home, and the piles take over. Your emails, website and approach are inspirational to me–thank you so much for continuing to offer the nest emails! Best wishes to you in the New Year! 🙂
Hello Chris. I’m glad you’re back. As it happens, I’ve just been cleaning my desk and it feels terrific to see that polished expanse of glass.
My spot will be my kitchen table. It is always covered in random papers, half done school stuff, mail, etc. It constantly looks like a bomb went off, and just shot crap everywhere. Its bad.
Here comes the Colleen bomb squad, clearing the crap!
Hi! I’ve chosen my coffee table! It’s generally cluttered because we eat in the living room. . I’m glad to see your site is still up and running! I’m an ex fly baby. It got overwhelming. Plus, now I feel she’s constantly trying to sell me stuff.
Hey Katrina. I’m also a living room eater. Coffee table is fabulous choice.
Another returning subscriber here! I chose my kitchen island because it is the heart of the kitchen and is in really bad shape. When it’s a mess, it looks even worse. Hoping to replace it when the time is right.
Are you still using Home Routines? I do like the app, but it doesn’t always remind me like it should so I’m looking for similar alternative. (Also needing a new meal planning/grocery list app.)
Welcome back, Jenn. I tend to rove between apps and even paper planning these days. I just got an Apple Watch and have been liking some of the habit apps. Still, I often return to Home Routines.
Maybe this is too much, but I’m starting with the dining room table and kitchen counter. We just moved into a new house and there is chaos all around. If these two are clear then I don’t lose my mind and I can cook dinner without spending and hour cleaning it first. I’m going to have a talk with my whole family and explain to them how important this is right now.
Jenni, it sounds as if you’ve thought this true. I know moving is gruesome, but it’s good at shaking up habits.
My multipurpose dresser / desk in my bedroom. I have an early evening meditation practice called “power nap” that I try to do every day so building on that I cleaned and cleared the desk and lit a candle. Hoping that piggybacking one habit on top of the other will mean that I will keep this hotspot clear (and maybe tomorrow I will manage to clear out its drawer)!
Sarah, piggybacking is known to work. You’re a genius.
My chosen spot is my dining room table. It’s the place where incoming mail turns to paper clutter. I hope to one day vanquish the paper beast altogether. How is it able to multiply so rapidly?
Nancy, I hate to tell you, but papers actually have sex during the night. The gestation period is 4 hours and they have litters of 10 to 20.
My chosen place is my dining room table. It’s where incoming mail turns to chaos. I hope to one day conquer the paper beast altogether.
Oh Nancy, how I’ve neglected you. I know you’ve written me via email. Dining room table is great.
Today’s my first day and I actually put away the piles of clothes in my bedroom before seeing the email to polish my place. Does that count? It sure feels better to not have them laying around everywhere so I’m pretty sure it does and the funny thing is that it took all of about five minutes!
Hi Dale Anne. You could certainly start by considering your “place” to be your bed. Polishing it daily would mean keeping it clear. I can relate to this one. I have a hideous tendency to fall asleep in a bed piled high with clothes and books. Crashes during the night? Oh yeah.
Hello Mimi. Are you still working the nightstand for polishing your place?
I have a little side table with a fish tank on it (just one Betta called Buddy II). Keeping that clear should be doable! Just wanted you to know you are still inspiring people to make habit an art. I have all your Nest emails saved from years ago. Hope you are doing well 🙂
Clare Clare Clare you made my day! And Buddy II as well. Glad you’re still habithacking. I’ve been working on my own hh-ing these days, getting used to living full-time again in Colorado (my mom died earlier this year so I’m not traveling back and forth each month), and contemplating redos on some areas of my house. Also…a little writing, a little painting, a little drawing, a little metalsmithing, a lotta reading and all else that makes life worthwhile. I still imagine I will work on the site one day, but have some things to accomplish before then.