For the many of you who contacted me wondering why the site went down:
1. Cranium resists coding. Last year I had big problems with the site (security and outdated crap) and couldn’t fix them. Friends, I am simply a dabbling dumbass who got over her head when the site got popular. And unlike pro sites, I don’t have cool nerdy young people to save my day.
Late one night, frustrated and overtired, I thew away the whole website. That’s right: EVERY post, photo, comment, sidebar, everything. One click and it was gone.
At the same time, the email program seemed wacko. So I deleted thousands of Habithacker subscribers.
Crazy? Impulsive? Sure, but it felt good.
2. I got 99 problems and the site is just one. My elderly mom requires caregiving. She lives a thousand miles away, so I fly back and forth each month to help my sis do it.
I barely keep up in my own life, so how can I advise you on yours?
Can you say hypocrite?
Okay, say it softer. You’re hurting my feelings.
And now some words about bringing Habithacker back:
I started Habithacker to keep myself on track. Now I’m going back to basics because I need to. I feel compelled to share…especially for all the die-hards among you who kept at it, wrote me a gazillion emails I never answered (but loved nevertheless), and polished their places even after the site went down.
Lots of research on habit formation has come out, so I will also restructure the program.
Don’t expect too much too soon. I might just be more overwhelmed than you.
You can write to me at
But I love it even more when you leave comments! I want and need to hear from you. Jean.
(I took the photo above on a trip to New Orleans.)
Hooray, you’re back! So glad to see your site up and running again!
Well, Jennifer, the site is up, but not yet off and running. Give me a little time and I’ll get there. Thanks for the hooray. Jean.
Starting over is apart of life and every fresh start allows for more growth. Glad we can all restart together
Wise words, Lynette. I love fresh starts.
I am so glad you’ve come back <3
Everybody! Run quick over to Home Routines and get your copy of the most useful program ever for keeping life running smoothly. Rosie, your program is the only one I have ever used regularly on my iPhone and iPad. Nothing works better for habithacking. Of course, I have lost the rave review I once posted on this site, but plan to replace it with an updated version. Rosie, I am your forever fan. My own sister says skip the silly habithacker emails and just use Home Routines. Jean.
Thank you darling. You made me cry.
The past three years have been overpowered by my Dad’s terminal illness… he passed away last month. I’m rebuilding as well.
Oh, Rosie, Rosie. I am so sorry. It’s so tough, isn’t it? And rebuilding, in many ways, is even harder than the crisis. Thinking of you.
When I was grieving continuously, Habit hacker and Home Routines helped me stay grounded. The advantage that I had then over what you had now is that I was always at home. Now I’m in a new relationship and we spend every other weekend 150 miles away. It’s horrendous in terms of the house because we aren’t there – and if we aren’t there, I can’t clean it.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that you and your sister and your mother are in my prayers, and to thank *you* for dragging my backside out of a dark place.
Sarah, my friend, I am so glad you have left the dark place, a place I know a bit too well. Sometimes the best you can do is just polish your place, and that’s enough. I understand completely about not being home. Not only can I not clean (after doing my mom’s house I fly home and just can’t face my own), but my darling BHH (no, not brawny-handsome-husband, but BORDERLINE HOARDER HUSBAND) has turned my once serene uncluttered house into a hideous batchelor-pad warehouse of crap. OK, maybe he’s beyond borderline, but don’t tell him I said so. Your thank you means more to me than I can possibly say. I wish I had better advice for absentee house cleaning, but the best I’ve found is to just do the routines when you’re there, and please enjoy enjoy enjoy your new relationship without guilt. Fondly, Jean.
Just a little advice for the people who miss the old site – it is avalible using the wayback machine:
This is the last version from october 2014!
Thanks so much for this! I hope to gather all this gunk into pdfs to preserve after the new habithacker debuts, but who knows when I’ll get that done…. I’m doing some cut-and-paste to get the old stuff into the new site, too.
From Holland I say: I’m so glad that you are back.
Love, Janny
Janny from Holland!!! I wish I were there in your beautiful country instead of here in my un-vacuumed home. I remember eating one of the most delicious fish dishes of my life when I was there, and also getting lost driving in a Volkswagen Beetle and almost driving into the ocean. I’m glad you’re here. Jean
Hello Jean, I unsubscribed for a while so I missed all this in the summer… and then I moved country and muddled through on my own, and now it’s time to set up some routines again, as the chaos is spreading.
Thank you so much for all you’ve done to help deal with chaos, and best wishes to you and your family. Rebecca.
Hi Rebcca. Oh, moving is one of those huge, chaos-inducing life changes. I feel for ya, friend. Good luck, Jean
I’m really confused on what I should be doing. O subscribed to the Nest program but have no idea what to do now.
Hi Lisa. Just relax, my friend. The emails are on their way.
Finally, another overwhelmed being living life in fast mode! I’m a newbie nester and your honesty is refreshing! Welcome Back!
Hi Sharon. Guess your comment arrived during an especially overwhelmed moment…since I missed it. Hope your life is going more smoothly than mine.