Cautionary note: do you trust this idiot to answer anything?
If you said yes, then see below for my responses to comments you left long ago.
Photo: parrot chain and apple question mark…plus my wood floor, ratherdestroyed by parrots throwing chains, apples, pots, pans. Eating photo is me trying a New Orleans po boy, May 2015.
Can’t wait to see the “new” habithacker site. Would love to redo the “home” series because I’ve been getting a little bit of track lately and just loved your program (which I know, is not really a program). But anyway, did I also tell you that your “program” woke up my creative self and that it’s getting me to do morning pages and letting me coulour outside the lines? That maybe sound like nothing big, but for me it’s been a HUGE step in 2014. Thanks and hope to find the renewed habithacker site soon.
Best regards,
Hi Esther. Nothing makes me happier than knowing your creativity has been awakened. Let the dust mites proliferate, my friend, as long as you’re doing your morning pages. Check the recent posting to resubscribe to Nest. It is a limping version of itself (that is, without workable links), but you only need a refresher anyway. I wish I were in France with you! Jean.
Can’t wait to see your new site! I came back for a refresh so I hope you’re up again soon. A great service. Best of the holidays to you.
Has it really been so long, Patricia? Hope you took down your Christmas decorations without relying on any Habithacking help. I’m finally working on the site. I know. Late late late. But you can resubscribe to Nest now. Jean.
can I renew my email subscription? I cancelled to restart then saw ur website was down.
Hi Pete. I am always thrilled to see a Habithacking guy. Yes, you can resubscribe. Sorry for the delay. Jean.
Hi Jean
I love your website and am just wondering when it might be up and running again? I had bookmarked some pages but can no longer view them.
Susannah, in an absolute pique of frustration (due to being hacked and jacked and, of course, packed with alternate priorities) I actually DELETED the entire website. However, I have hard copies of a bunch of stuff. If there is anything in particular you want me to reconstruct pronto, I shall. Just because I love your name. Let me know, Jean.
I was here on January 1, 2015 to sign up for my 90 days.
Frieda, you are a very unfortunate soul to arrive here after my years of being functional. Never fear. Habithacker shall rise again. If you want to take advantage of the slightly screwed up version (due to missing links) please go ahead. The full version will take me a bit longer. No one is sorrier than I. Jean.
great – I hope it is soon! I loved your methods you had up, I just wasn’t ready until now. I look forward to getting started when you are back.
Hello Jenny. I certainly understand not being ready. And I especially understand finding readiness at the beginning of a new year. Please make sure your house is completely a wreck and then sign up. You will see amazing changes. (Just joking. Go scrub something.) Jean.
when will you be back online?why notleave the original up?
Oh Beth, wise wise Beth….why indeed? I couldn’t leave things up because the site came under some weird attack. Since I am too much of a website idiot to fix it, I screamed a little, threw up in my mouth a little, and then deep-sixed the whole big bad thing. The next day I thought I was too hasty. But it was too late. Jean.
not getting access to a website is disappointing given that I just signed up.
I too am a Flylady dropout, (two or maybe three time dropout!)
Looking forward to seeing your new site.
Hello Dominique. I’m so sorry! Yeah, Flylady yelled at me too much, and then kept sending me ads for her products (which I bought…and they were all really good). I hope to help you out soon because any drop out who drops in here is a true friend of mine. Jean..
Can’t wait to see your best stuff!
Kathleen, may I say that your smiling face here on my website just gives me a lift? My “best stuff” you say? Well, I sold it all at last summer’s garage sale, but maybe I can find a few tidbits for someone as lovely as you. Jean.
I’ve read so many amazing reviews that I can hardly wait to put your suggestions to work! When will the new site be up and running?
Sheena! Where, pray tell, do you read such amazing reviews? This morning I looked at my hideous puffy face in the mirror and realized that any forthcoming compliments, whether about my flowering hawthorne trees or the lack of warts on my fingers, would be welcome. I’m working on the site, finally. Jean.
Will you be bringing back your habithacker website?
Jacqueline, yes and yes. It shall rise from the ashes like the….the….what was it, anyway? A phoenix? What’s a phoenix exactly? A penny for your thoughts. Jean.
Sooo long 🙂
Michael, that’s what she said! Jean.
I’m excited to hear about a redo. Is there any way your fans can help?
Patricia, I love you. I guess my fans can help by being patient little habithackers. So sorry, but I’m finally turning my attention to this big job. Bit by bit.
Hello! I love your best program. Will your website and program be up and running again anytime soon? I used your system a couple years ago and it was a major help to my very chaotic ADD life as a mom and working full time as a teacher. I recently also became a single mom and I need to restart your program since everything fell apart with the divorce. I am now using a paper planner system to keep myself on track and wanted to incorporate your program. I even intended to share it with a group of ADD/ADHD planner junkies on Facebook. Please keep me posted. Thanks for all of your help!
I am so sorry for all you’ve been through. Crisis times are perhaps when we most need routines. Any teacher who is recently divorced, also a mom, struggling with ADD, yet STILL helping others is an absolute hero to me. You’re an inspiration. Hope you’re doing well. Fondly, Jean.
Love the site and just wondering if there is a way of keeping up to date with when it will be back online?
Howdy Caroline. I might try setting up an email list to do just that. It’s possible I can email you directly. Let me check. Jean.
Hi Jean! I subscribed to your Nest feed a while back and find I need a refresher. My daily schedule changed drastically after I went through the first 30 days and I didn’t keep up with the new habits. 🙁 Also, now our house is on the market and I *MUST* keep up with everything! But, unfortunately, I deleted your wonderful emails and your new website is not yet up. Where can I find your so helpful hints? Thanks so much for what you do and please continue!
Yikes, Jill. Your house is on the market? That is one of my nightmares. Hope the limping Nest list I’ve posted a link to can help you. Life is made up of changes. That’s why none of us….especially me…can truly keep up with any program. Hope your house has, by now, sold for a lot more than it’s worth simply because it’s permeated by your superior aura. Jean.
One more thing … If you are revamping or adding, please talk about how you deal with the relentless stream of mail that arrives in the mail slot when you haven’t even looked at last week’s mail. How do you deal with banking and bill-paying? I would love to get ahead on finances, but at the moment I would be content to keep up!
Jill, you MUST get your bills on auto pay, and use a bank that lets you auto deposit and also take a smartphone photo of checks to deposit. I hate mail and banking. I hate finances. I’d rather let bees sting my tongue than deal with that crap. I recently redid my junk-mail-stoppage forms. You’re right…I need to address this more in this next version. Jean.
any idea when this website may be up again? or IF???
Hey Nancy. Guess what? Look around. Come on back. Jean.
Oh, my. I just arrived and see you are up to your ears in dust and cyber debris.
I just wanted to say how amazing it is that you are willing to give your time, energy and knowledge to all of us while facing the daunting challenge of still having a life.
I looked after me mum for many years–she was mostly independent and just needed me to run all her errands and get her places. I was very lucky to be able to do that for her and that she was the easiest going mom ever.
Still, it always messed with any momentum I finally got going. Traveling every month for any reason would blow my circuits.
On the other hand, sometimes waiting is the only time I get to make anything creative happen. So I’m hoping that as you wait for the airplane to depart and the airplane to land, you get to enjoy a little me-time.
And I’m so looking forward to seeing what you’ll do with your new site. I love your photographs, so I know I’m going to enjoy immersing myself here when the time is right for you.
Kate, will you please come and live with me so I can avail myself of both your wisdom and your encouraging words? Being a caregiver is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, and I am lucky to have my adored sister and terrific brother-in-law here with me. My mom is no longer independent in any way, so we have difficult decisions ahead. She has always been the best. And the best is what we want to give her. Aging sucks.
Glad you’re digging the photos. Sorry the email program is not yet updated, but it will be…little by little.
You are quite poetic. I truly relate to your comments about waiting and creativity. Here’s to yours. Glad you’re here.
I’m here for you, or there for you, if ever you think I can be of help. Like–hmmm….
(Kate shakes head wondering “What can I do when I’m here and she’s there? Can’t walk the dog or water the plants….) Snaps fingers! Hey, copy editing!
I’m not the world’s greatest, but I can help. Or something else entirely. I’m game.
Thank goodness for siblings. My sister was/is the brains of any operation. I tend to be the hands and feet. It was a good division of labor.
Keep taking notes–all that you are going through will help guide others
on the same path. I have the thoughts, but generally only enough will to look after those in my immediate vicinity.
I could send cookies….
Dearest Kate, I just might avail myself of your help. In the meantime, it’s enough to just keep an eye out for the inevitable screw-ups I’ll make and tell me if you see typos or brainfoggos. As for cookies, I hate to admit that I have gained 15+ pounds and am at my highest weight ever…without regular workouts and doing plenty of compensatory eating. On siblings: my little sister is everything to me. We joke that we are twins born 6 years apart. Our personalities are sometimes very different, but we see the world in the same way. Plus, I love her because when we chatted on the phone last night she was…what else?…making little paper mâché animals, which I thought was a fabulous response to the stress we’ve been under. If you’re ever in Colorado, Kate, there’s someone who wants to hang out with you!
Hi, Jean!
What a cool website you have (and had). I encountered it a month… or so… back and was devastated that you were mid-revamping. Sorry to hear about your frustrations.
Honestly, I’m not even sure how I ended up here way back then. I just now it sounded like something that I wanted to try… (and like it work better for my situation than FlyLady, though I am sure there is good stuff there, too). You’ve been sitting in my browser tab for a while (this is a major problem I have… never closing tabs! I’ll just read it later! Ack.)
Anyway, I thought you might be interested in the archived version of your page that I found. Sometimes it runs slow, and I’m not sure if it would be able to support all of your previous subscribers, but maybe it could be a helpful reference if you want the experience of refreshing your memory on how it looked before? Anyway, here’s a link:
Looking forward to your new site, but understanding that life comes first –
Amelia! Amelia! Amelia! Do you realize how much work you just saved me? I hadn’t looked at my own site in ages, and now will be able to reconstruct some of the informational pages I tossed without having to tax my overloaded brain for new words. Thanks a bunch for being ever so much smarter than this old rag. Smoochies, jean
I have copies of all the Nest Day Habithacker emails in a folder in my gmail from 2012! If you need anything from those old days, I have them!
Oh Marcia, you are organized enough not just to have the emails, but to locate them? Will you marry me? I don’t think my husband will object…he’s filled my house with so much junk lately that he probably won’t even notice you’re here. Seriously, thank you. It looks as if I will be able to reconstruct most of it from the email service, but for things that inexplicably seem gone, is it okay if I email you? Thanks. Jean.
No problem. Email me if you need any of the Nest emails!
Hi Jean
I’ve been trying to resubscribe to your nest emails using the page you provided but for some reason I hit subscribe and nothing happens. The little button changes from black to red but that’s it. I loved your old site but totally fell off the wagon after I had my third kid and was hoping to try again.
Having a third kid would make anyone fall off the wagon, Heather. I’m finally trying to figure out what the buzz is with the button.
Welcome back! I tried to sign up for the emails but the submit button appears to do nothing? I have a newly retired husband who is a packrat clutter bum beyond all imaginings. I need all the help I can get!
Button didn’t seem to work in Firefox for , but worked fine in Internet Explorer. You might try a different browser
Hi Martine. Thanks for the fix. I admit I didn’t test different browsers. You may have come upon the fix! Jean
I thought the button wasn’t doing anything because all the fields just cleared but there was an email in my in-box, asking to confirm so . . . it works!
Hi Doreen, yay!!!
Jean, I don’t know if this will help you at all, but the pre-exploded site is showing up well on the Internet Wayback Machine. You might be able to copy-paste some of the material instead of having to work solely from hard-copies.*/
Thank you genius Ellen. Someone else had mentioned that, too, so it’s been helpful. You are a dear for offering the link. Jean.